Navigating brands through turbulent times
Schranz keynote speaker, Lisa Baird, the chief marketing officer of the United States Olympic Committee spoke at Ball State on how to guide a brand through difficult times. Brands determine what a company or organization does, how they do it and when they do it. That being said, a company’s brand can either make or […]

A reputation can be ruined by a single mistake
Crisis communication is the key component in dealing with reputation ruining mistakes. As the topic of Ball State alumna Myra Borshoff Cook’s presentation Sept. 28, she discussed crisis communication and provided insight on how she believes crises should be best handled. Crises can come in any form, she said. Whether it’s a natural disaster, an […]

Digital world changes rules of journalism
The online news environment has made life much more complicated (and interesting) for members of the media. Skills are needed now that weren’t even thought about, let alone considered necessary, even a decade ago. So says Andrea Muirragui Davis, Web editor of the Indianapolis Business Journal and Ball State University alum. The work environment has changed entirely since […]