Hungary immersion teaches political, cultural lessons
As thousands of Ball State students flocked to any warm coast they could find this past spring break, six students along with Sheryl Swingley, internship coordinator and instructor of journalism, bundled up and headed to Eastern Europe for a week in Budapest, Hungary. While not exactly the usual location for college students over spring break, […]

Journalism revamps master of arts curriculum
The “traditional” journalist is changing rapidly, and Ball State University has taken notice in terms of revamping its curriculum to equip this new and growing generation of news contributors. Following nearly two years of planning and development, the Department of Journalism has revised its master of arts curriculum for the journalism graduate program. After all, […]

News-Ink allows students to contribute to local papers
Ball State students are taking their journalistic skills to the next level with the development of a new, comprehensive program that showcases students’ reporting and multimedia talents to readers of two nearby newspapers. News-Ink, launched in January 2012, operates as a student-driven news bureau for the Winchester News-Gazette and Hartford City News-Times. The project, funded […]

International students develop journalistic skills on campus
Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines were just a few of the countries represented on campus this past summer by aspiring young journalists from across the globe. Although each of these students represented unique cultural backgrounds and were only on campus for a five-week study program, all left with an increased knowledge about new media and […]