Debbie Davis
Summer 2012
On November 8, Davis was a keynote speaker at the mid-year conference of the Fraternity Communications Association on crisis planning. The conference was held in Carmel. On May 16, she is scheduled to present a pre-conference workshop for its annual conference on developing a crisis plan. That conference will be held in Atlanta, Ga.
On February 8, Davis was a panelist for the Hoosier Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America professional development luncheon in Indianapolis. She talked about the transition from corporate communications to running her own public relations agency and her recent transition into academia.
Fall 2012

Michael Hanley
Summer 2012
Hanley, M. (2011). How the Smartphone is Changing College Student Mobile Content Usage and Advertising Acceptance. Presented at the Direct Marketing Educational Foundation Direct/Interactive Marketing Research Summit, Boston, October 1.

Adam Kuban
Fall 2012

Alfredo Marin-Carle
Fall 2012

Mark Massé
Summer 2012
Prof. Mark Massé’s paper, “The Trauma of Literary Journalism: A Qualitative Study of the Impact of Extended Immersion on Narrative Nonfiction Authors,” was presented at 2012 Conference of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) at Brown University, Providence, RI, March 29 to April 1.
Fall 2012
As author of Trauma Journalism: On Deadline in Harm’s Way, Prof. Masse’ has been invited to serve as panelist at the workshop on PTSD and journalism at the National Press Club on November 16, 2012, which is sponsored by The William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications, University of Kansas, and the The Robert R. McCormick Foundation. This particular work additionally won the American Psychoanalytic Association’s 2012 Award for Excellence in Journalism. Past winners include the New York Times, the New Yorker, Harpers, U.S. News & World Report, the Wall Street Journal, and Newsweek.
He also co-wrote and edited the Department of Journalism’s brochure on the revised M.A. Journalism Program, which emphasizes emerging media and narrative nonfiction techniques.
Fall 2013
Co-author, Department of Journalism, M.A., Journalism and Public Relations brochures, fall 2013
“An Examination of Journalist Perceptions Toward Covering Tragedy and Trauma,” Operant Subjectivity, published fall 2013. (co-authors: Dr. Mark Popovich, Dr. Dennis Kinsey)
Panelist, “Trauma Journalism: The Cost of Covering Strife and War,” AEJMC Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., August 8, 2013.
Whatever Comes (150,000-word novel) published in May 2013
“When Journalists Cry” (op-ed article) on coverage of deadly Oklahoma tornadoes. Published in Chicago Sun-Times, Indianapolis Star and newspapers in California, Texas, Indiana and Michigan, May 2013
“The Negative Effects of Extended Ethnographic Immersion on Literary Journalists,” paper presented to International Association for Literary Journalism Studies (IALJS) Eighth Annual Convention, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland, May 2013
“Literary Journalist Michael Herr’s Private War: the Psychological Impact of Conflict Coverage” panel presentation, International Association for Literary Journalism Studies (IALJS) Eighth Annual Convention, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland, May 2013

Becky McDonald
Fall 2012

Ryan Sparrow
Fall 2012

Dr. David E. Sumner
Summer 2012
He was invited to teach three workshops at the Oregon Christian Writers Conference in Salem, Oregon, from Aug. 13-16.
Dr. Sumner and co-author Holly G. Miller (masters in journalism, 1987 and member of the Journalism Hall of Fame) are writing the third edition of their textbook, Feature and Magazine Writing: Action, Angle and Anecdotes, which will be published by Wiley-Blackwell in 2012.
Fall 2013
Fall 2012
Co-presenter with Mark Massé and Dennis Kinsey, “An examination of Journalist Motives in Covering Tragedy and Trauma,” International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity (ISSSS) annual conference, Pittsburgh, PA., September 6, 2012
Presented First ISSSS Service Award, ISSSS Conference, Pittsburgh, PA., September 7, 2012
Elected Treasurer (2012-2015) of ISSSS, September 7, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA. Popovich has been treasurer of ISSSS since 2006
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Human Subjectivity, published by Korean Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity
Fall 2013
Co-author with Mark Massé and Dennis Kinsey (2013), “An Examination of Journalists Perceptions toward Covering Tragedy and Trauma,” Operant Subjectivity: The International Journal of Q Methodology, 36(3), 165-178